Yeshiva Bnei Torah Shavuos Audio

There may be errors in the year indicated. Any corrections are appreciated
The Chumash, Discussion and Nach topic have been chosen by title.
The topics I chose are Sefer Rus, Chesed, Har Sinai, Torah, Learning, Mitzvos, Yedias Hashem and the like.

Rabbi Yisroel Chait





Rabbi Reuven Mann


C-023-Aseres HaDibros - Rabbi Reuven Mann


D-171-172-Rambam on Nevuah of HaShem - Combined - Rabbi Reuven Mann

D-182-God's Covenant - Rabbi Reuven Mann

D-186-187-Ahavas Hashem - Combined - Rabbi Reuven Mann

D-247-Har KeGigis - Rabbi Reuven Mann

D-312-Human Responsibility and Faith in God - Rabbi Reuven Mann

D-316-The Machlokes on Ailu VeAilu Divrei Elokim Chaim - Rabbi Reuven Mann

D-350-352-The Proof of Sinai - Combined - Rabbi Reuven Mann


N-061 Ruth CH 1 V18 - Rabbi Reuven Mann

N-068-071-Megillas Ruth 1995 - Combined - Rabbi Reuven Mann


2002 03 24 - Aseres HaDibros Gd Took You Out of Egypt - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2002 06 12 - The Failure of Miracles and The Revelation at Sinai - 1 of 3 - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2002 06 13 - The Failure of Miracles and The Revelation at Sinai - 2 of 3 - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2002 06 14 - The Failure of Miracles and The Revelation at Sinai - 3 of 3 - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2002 12 17 - The Benefits of the Study of Talmud - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2002 12 18 - Benefit of Keeping the Halachic System - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2003 02 19 - Perfection - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2003 03 04 - Essence of Man - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2003 05 12 - Rus Mitzameses Rabbi R Mann

2003 05 20 - Religion of Mind - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2003 05 22 - Authority and Methodology of Analysis - Combined - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2003 05 22 - Recognizing Gd - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2004 08 09 - Prohibition of Adding or Subtracting from Mitzvos - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2005 02 08 - Chinuch - Masoret - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2005 07 11 - Keeping The Mitzvos Before The Torah Was Given - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2006 02 08 - The Unique Style of the Chumash - Masoret - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2006 02 16 - The True Nature of Judaism - Masoret - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2006 03 06 - How to Know Difference Between Being Intelligent - Minded and Stubborn - ADULT EDUCATION - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2006 03 08 - Why Was the Torah Written So Unclearly - Masoret - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2006 03 20 - How to Know the Veracity of the Revelation - ADULT EDUCATION - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2006 05 04 - Can All the Knowledge in the World be Found in the Torah - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2006 05 23 - How to Approach the Study of Avoda Zara Views - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2006 06 07 - Objective of the Torah and the Avos Didnt Keep It - Masoret - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 02 13 - Aseres HaDibros - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 03 12 - Observance of a Yom Tov - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 09 11 - Mitzvos Tzrichos Kavanah Hareri Kedem - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 10 10 - Cultivating a Relationship With God - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 10 10 - Hatznea Leches - Approval and Behavior Modifcation - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 10 15 - The Theology of Judaism - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 10 16 - Moreh HaNevuchim Stories in the Torah - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 10 16 - Women and Mitzvos - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 10 22 - Attaining Perfection - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 10 22 - Rational Judaism - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 10 22 - Why Are We Here - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 10 23 - Rambam on Idolatry - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 10 31 - The Incoporal Nature of Gd - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 11 01 - Noachide and Ger Toshav - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 11 05 - Maimonides Rational Judaism - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 11 05 - The Noachide System - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 11 13 - Projecting Human Qualities onto Gd - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 12 18 - How to Approach Midrashim - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 12 18 - Women In Halacha and Judaism - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 12 26 - Method of Perfection - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2007 12 27 - Method of Perfection and Being Realistic About It - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2008 02 04 - Prophecy and the Genuine Prophet - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2008 02 20 - Helping Other Jews - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2008 04 02 - Absolute Proof Rabi R Mann

2008 05 05 - Prohibitions Associated with Idolatry - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2008 05 28 - Treating the Negative Commandments as Taboo - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2008 05 29 - Pirkey Avos Taking Credit for Learning Torah - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2008 06 03 - This World is a Prosdor - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2008 06 26 - Judaism The Religion of the Fathers - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2008 09 11 - Why is the Torah Given Only to the Jewish People - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2008 09 15 - Purpose of the Torah Self Control or to Prevent Idolatry - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2008 09 16 - Rambam on Kashrus and Approach to Taamei Mitzvos - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2008 09 17 - Taamei HaMitzvos - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2008 12 23 - Mitzvos Are For Mans Benefit Alone - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2009 02 05 - Poor Methodoligy - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2009 03 02 - Religious Introspection - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2009 05 11 - Bitachon - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2009 05 13 - Rambams Idea of Moderation - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2009 07 08 - Will The True Religion Please Stand Up - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2009 12 30 - The Nature of Man - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2010 02 03 - Aveira LeShma vs Chillul Hashem via Mitzvah - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2010 02 08 - The Torahs Perspective of Justice - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2010 02 10 - A Justice System and Torah - Masoret - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2010 02 24 - Possibility of System of Morality without Gd - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2010 03 04 - Modifying the Torah - Combined - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2010 03 18 - False Practices in Modern Orthodox Judaism - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2010 04 20 - Midrashhim and Aggadic Statements - Masoret - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2010 05 06 - What is Emunah - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2010 05 12 - The Status of Women in Halacha - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2010 05 13 - The Use of Rewards in Education - Masoret - Combined - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2010 05 17 - The Uniqueness of the Holiday of Shavuos - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2010 06 13 - Should Parents Be Friends - Discipline - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2010 06 14 - Is Morality Possible for One Who Does Not Believe in Gd - Rabbi Reuven Mann

2017 06 08 - The Real Purpose of Mitzvos Midreshet Torat Chested In Netanya - Rabbi Reuven Mann

Rabbi Yosef-Dov Soloveitchik

Aseres HaDibros: Michilta - Rabbi Yosef-Dov Soloveitchik

Yisro and Shavuos - Rabbi Yosef-Dov Soloveitchik

1969 - Megillas Rus 1969 - Rabbi Yosef-Dov Soloveitchik

Rabbi Morton Moskowitz


D-343-Basic Foundation of Analytic Approach - Rabbi Morton Moskowitz

D-375-378-Mitzvos and Training Your Mind - Combined - Rabbi Morton Moskowitz

D-384-Appreciation of God - Rabbi Morton Moskowitz

D-385-387-The Jewish Legal System - Combined - Rabbi Morton Moskowitz


N-044-046-Methodology in Thinking - Combined - Rabbi Morton Moskowitz