Yeshiva Bnei Torah

Purim Essays & Audio Material

Purim Material


Parshas Zachor

Parshas Zachor 5776: Evil Must Be Destroyed


Rabbi Yisroel Chait

Purim 5781: The Moon's Complaint, Mordechai and Esther's Dispute and "True Existence"
aka D118 - Kiddush HaChodesh and Purim
Written by Students - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

Purim 5781 - Megilla: The Torah's Fundamentals in Action - Written by a Student - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

Rabbi Reuven Mann

Purim 5784: Miracles Don't Always Happen - Rabbi Reuven MannNew

Purim 5783: Man's Role in Miracles - Rabbi Reuven Mann

Purim 5782: Purim:Holiday of Euphoria - Rabbi Reuven Mann

Purim 5781: Why Miracles Happen - Rabbi Reuven Mann

Purim 5780: Haman and the Holocaust: We Must Never Forget - Rabbi Reuven Mann

Purim 5777: The Strange Miracle of Purim - Rabbi Reuven MannNew

Purim 5774: Suicide by Assimilation - Rabbi Reuven MannNew

Purim 5774: Human Initiative and Divine Intervention - Rabbi Reuven Mann

Purim 5773: Haman and the Holocaust - Rabbi Reuven MannNew

Rabbi Bernie Fox

Purim 5784: Amalek's Persistence - Rabbi Bernie FoxNew

Purim 5782: What's in a Name? - Rabbi Bernie Fox

Purim 5781: Keeping the Faith - Rabbi Bernie Fox

Purim 5780: Hidden Messages - Rabbi Bernie Fox

Purim 5776: An Important Message from Achashverosh - Rabbi Bernie Fox

Purim 5779: Know Your Enemies - Rabbi Bernie Fox

Purim 5774: Who Cares About Purim? Let's Have a Good Time! - Rabbi Bernie Fox

Purim 5773: Lessons from Achashverosh and It's not Easy Being Haman - Rabbi Bernie Fox

Rabbi Y. D. Soloveitchik

Purim 5780: Kol Brisk - Laasos Osam Yemei Mishteh VeSimcha UMishloach Manos Ish LeReieihu UMatanos LaEvyonim - Rabbi Yosef Soloveitchik

Purim 5780: Kol Brisk - Leich Kenos Es Kol HaYehudim - Rabbi Yosef Soloveitchik

Purim 5780: Kol Brisk - VeAta Kadosh Yosheiv Tehilos Yisrael - Rabbi Yosef Soloveitchik

Rabbi Dr. Dvir Ginsberg

Purim 5777: - Different Sides of Mordechai Ushering in a New Era - Rabbi Dr. Dvir GinsbergNew

Purim 5776: - The Proper Outlook - Rabbi Dr. Dvir GinsbergNew

Purim 5775: - Taanis Esther - Rabbi Dr. Dvir GinsbergNew

Rabbi Eliezer Barany

Purim 5781: - Megillah Minhagim - Rabbi Eliezer Barany


1969 - Megilas Esther Lecture - Boston 1969 - Rabbi Y D Soloveitchik

1969 - Purim: The Obligation of the Yachid to Save the Kahal - Rabbi Y D Soloveitchik

1970 - Megilla Interpretation - Boston 1970 - Rabbi Y D Soloveitchik

1970_03_18 -Megilla: A Sefer or an Igeres - Rabbi Y D Soloveitchik

1972_01_02 - Jewish Destiny and the Book of Esther - Rabbi Y D Soloveitchik

1973 - Megilla Insights - Rabbi Y D Soloveitchik

1975_03_15 - Purim - Yeshiva University - Rabbi Y D Soloveitchik

2002_02_24 - Amalek Anti-Semitism and Ideological Evil - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

2003_03_18 - Ideas in Megilas Esther - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

2004_03_09 - Megilla 19a - The 4 Places to Start Megilla - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

2005_03_18 - Mitzva and Reading of Zechiras Amalek - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

2005_03_20 - Parshas Zachor - Seattle - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

2005_03_27 - Debate Between Mordechai and Esther - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

2007_02_07 - Haman and Achashverosh - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

2011_03_17 - Dechias Mitzvos Mipnei Mikrah Megilla - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

2017_03_16 - Shoshanas Yaakov Techeles Morderchai Anti-Semitism - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

D100 - Anti Semitism and Megilas Esther - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

D118 - Kiddush HaChodesh and Purim - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

N002a - Megilas Esther Central Ideas - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

N002b - Megilas Esther - The Ultimatum - Rabbi Yisroel Chait.mp3

N037 - Ideas in Megilla - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

N040_041a - Nature of Amalek - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

N040_041b - Ben Krach Shehalach LaIr - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

N040_041c - Confrontation of Avraham with Avimelech and Honor - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

N050_051a - Why Will Megila be the Only Sefer In the Days of Mashiach - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

N050_051b - Analysis of the Characters in the Megilla - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

N050_051c - Megila 19a - Ben Ir SheHalach LeKrach - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

N052_053 - Midas Achashveirosh - Rabbi Yisroel Chait

D169 - Relevance of Parshas Amalek to the Holocaust - Rabbi Reuven Mann

D169 - Relevance of Parshas Amalek to the Holocaust - Rabbi Reuven Mann

N063_064 - Megillas Esther - Rabbi Reuven Mann

N084 - Esther's Plan - Rabbi Reuven Mann

N104 - The Downfall of Haman - Rabbi Reuven Mann