2004_09_23 - Rosh HaShana, Tefila and Shofar Sources: 2004_10_12 - Relationship Between Sukkos, Pesach and Zeman Simchaseinu Sources: 2004_11_14 - Shiras Haazinu and Avraham Avinu Sources: 2004_11_14 - Yeshiva of Shem and Ever Sources: 2004_11_21 - Death of Moshe Sources: 2004_12_17 - Bar Mezakeh Av Sources: 2005_01_02 - Hesped of Moshe Rabenu Sources: 2005_01_09 - Prophetic_Dreams Sources: 2005_02_20 - Moshe's Leadership, Yitro's Advice and Milchemes Amalek Sources: 2005_03_18 - Mitzvah and Reading of Zechiras Amalek Sources: 2005_03_20 - Parshas Zachor - Seattle Sources: 2005_03_20 - Yibum Review - Seattle Sources: 2005_03_21 - NYHS Q and A Sources: 2005_03_27 - Debate Between Mordechai and Esther Sources: 2005_04_10 - Moshe's Greatness/Kevad Peh Sources: 2005_04_26 - Passover 5765 - Knowledge of G-d, the Torah's Objectives and Why the Jews Deserved Bondage Sources: 2005_08_14 - Kinnos Sources: 2005_08_14 - Tisha BeAv 2005 Sources: 02-Halacha 2004_10_12 - Sukkos 2004 - Sukka - Lulav VeArava 45b - Sukka Echad, Lulav Shivah, Beracha on Sukka and Lulav - 01 of 02 Sources: 2004_10_12 - Sukkos 2004 - Sukka - Lulav VeArava 45b - Sukka Echad, Lulav Shivah, Beracha on Sukka and Lulav - 02 of 02 Sources: 2004_11_03 - Sukkos 2004 - Sukka - Lulav VeArava 46b - Shevii Safek Shemini, Sefeika DeYoma on Shemini Atzeres Sources: 2004_12_02 - Rav Chaim - Hilchos Yom Tov 06:11 Sources: 2004_12_02 - Sukkos 2004 - Kerias HaTorah / Baal Koreh Sources: 2004_12_03 - Mitzvas Yibum - Sefer HaChinuch 598 Sources: 2004_12_15 - Chanuka - Hadlaka Oseh Mitzvah Sources: 2005_02_03 - Chatzi Eved VeChatzi Ben Chorin - 01 of 02 Sources: 2005_02_03 - Chatzi Eved VeChatzi Ben Chorin - 02 of 02 Sources: 2005_03_20 - Parshas Zachor Review - Seattle Sources: 2005_03_24 - Seudas Purim and the Issur Hesped and Taanis - Megilla 6b Sources: 2005_04_15 - Katan Being Motzi a Gadol - Megila 19b Sources: 2005_04_19 - Sipur Yetzias Mitzraim and the Hagada Sources: 2005_06_09 - Rav Chaim - Hilchos Meilah 08:01 Sources: 2005_06_16 - Shavuos - Zaken Mamre and Lo Sasur Sources: 03-Gemara 2004_07_23 - Menachos - Rabbe Yishmael 65a-66a - Debate with the Tzedukim about Macharas HaShabbos - Kiddush HaChodesh - 01 of 02 Sources: 2004_07_23 - Menachos - Rabbe Yishmael 65a-66a - Debate with the Tzedukim about Macharas HaShabbos - Kiddush HaChodesh - 02 of 02 Sources: 2004_09_10 - Rosh HaShanah - Rauhu Bais Din 27b-28a - HaSokeah LeSoch HaBor Sources: 2004_09_14 - Rosh HaShanah, Tefila and Shofar Sources: 2005_03_16 - Yevamos - Mitzvas Chalitza 101ab - sv Mishna 01 of 02 Sources: 2005_03_16 - Yevamos - Mitzvas Chalitza 101ab - sv Mishna 02 of 02 Sources: 2005_05_31 - Pesachim - Kol Shaah 26b - Zeh VeZeh Goreim - 01 of 02 Sources: 2005_05_31 - Pesachim - Kol Shaah 26b - Zeh VeZeh Goreim - 02 of 02 Sources: |